
   Members submit images before a meeting to a salon competition using the website.

Before submitting an image to a Competition, be sure to read
the General Rules and Preparing an Image for the Digital or Print Salon.


General Rules for Salons Entries

  1. Entrants must be Crosstown Camera Club members
    in good standing, i.e. club dues paid by November 1.

  2.  Each salon has a “Topic,” an “Open,” and a "Monochrome" category.

  3. Topic is the subject designated by the salon committee and displayed on the Salon page Monthly Topic.

  4. Open is any subject matter not in the Topic category. Monochrome is any photo in black and white or in varying tones of one color.                            

  5.  Each member may submit up to three images per salon dividing them between the Open, Topic and Monochrome categories as they wish.

  6. The image must be 1920 wide by 1080 height in pixels or less.

  7. All photographs entered will be judged according to three criteria:

  8. Provide a descriptive, short title for the photograph.

  9.  Titles are for identification - to avoid confusing one image with another.
    Titles are for posting on the website and for club records. 
    Examples:  Visual Pursits replaced the - and _ with a space.
       Example titles
         Space            Big Rock.jpg
         Hyphen          Big-Rock.jpg
         Underscore    Big_Rock.jpg

    Calling a photograph “Untitled” risks confusion in club records and later in your own memory. 


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